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Simba Bible translation moving forward

Pray for Bill Mann and the team working on Bible translation for the Simba people in Bolivia. Praise the Lord, much of the book of Genesis (originally translated 15 years ago) was checked for any needed adjustments in March.

Pray for the team as they prepare to check Exodus, scheduled for May.

Learn more about God’s work in Bolivia

Manjui New Testament ready for printing

“God is awesome!” writes Gordie Hunt, who is serving the Manjui people in Paraguay. “We continue to praise Him for the ample provision of all finances that were needed for the complete printing of the Manjui New Testament. Thank you so much for praying with us that He would provide! The printing company has said that they should be able to have the book finished and ready to be picked up by the end of April. We are looking forward to being able to take the completed books out to the Manjui community in May and we will have a dedication and celebration with them at that time. Pray that the books will be done in time and for us as we plan this time together with the people.”

Help fund Bible translation

Bible lessons being translated for Konyagi people

Pray for Alessandro and Chantal Parrillo as they check Bible lessons translated by a teammate, Bonéré. They are part of a team in West Africa working with the Konyagi people. They write, “We are checking lesson 51, and Bonéré has finished translating all 70 lessons! … Pray that this project would progress well, without too many delays, and that the lessons will be well done and be a great help in sharing the Good News with the Konyagi.”

Learn more about God’s work in Africa

Gospel outreach update

Ben Buckner, missionary to the Nakanai people in Papua New Guinea, writes, “Please continue to pray for the outreach. Please pray for me that God would give me the grace I need to speak the truth in a clear and accurate way. Even though we have not yet concluded our first phase of teaching (creation to the ascension), some have already trusted Christ as their Saviour! Six people have professed their faith in ‘La Tahalo La Abirivula’ the ‘Man of Rescuing’ or ‘The Deliverer.’

“Pray for them to continue to come and be encouraged and challenged by God’s truth. Please continue to pray also for the ones that have not yet believed. Please pray that God’s Spirit would use God’s Word to convict their hearts of their sinfulness and open their eyes to their need to trust in Jesus alone.

“Please keep praying for Joe, Herbert, Siprion, Dillon, Stephen, Richard and a number of kids to be faithful to come and hear God’s Word.”

Read more about what God is doing in Papua New Guinea