Nathan and Rachel Mueller minister among the Maliyali people of Papua New Guinea. “We are so excited to share this update with you all. [Over] these past few months, a huge focus for us here in Maliyali has been developing a literacy program for the people. It has been so much work for us, but it is worth it as we have recently begun our very first Maliyali literacy class. We built a literacy ‘teaching house’ with the people, got all of the books and materials printed and now are a few weeks into the class. We have 13 students who are engaged, committed, nervous and excited to be in the class. Some are struggling more than others, but in just a few short weeks, we are seeing them read short stories, and it is so exciting. We know that this is the first step in [their] being able to someday read God’s Word, which thrills us more than we can say. We could never do this without all of you back home who are supporting us and praying for us, so we wanted to give you a chance to rejoice with us. We made a short video update so that you can see a glimpse of our Maliyali literacy.” Watch the video.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

Download PDF of Entire Prayer Team Update