
“As we prepared to celebrate our Savior’s birth, two of our Amdu friends passed into eternity — a 10-year-old girl and an older grandmother,” wrote Bart and Emily Allen, missionaries in Papua New Guinea. “Sitting in the house as the family of the girl wailed and cried was heartbreaking.”

A Sense of Urgency

“At the same time it was a sobering reminder of the importance and urgency of what we are here to do,” Bart and Emily continued. “But before we can share His Word in their language, we first have to finish learning it. We are working hard to that end.”


And language learning is just that. It’s hard work. The end goal, of seeing unreached people accepting God’s gift of salvation, makes all the work worthwhile.

Pray for Fluency

Bart and Emily long for the day when fluency in the language will enable them to share the good news of the gospel message with the Amdu people. Pray for the Allens as they continue with the hard work of learning both culture and language. Pray for perseverance and a minimum of interruptions.

Read the Allens’ latest update