Lisa Kappeler ministers as a translation consultant in Papua New Guinea as well as the translator for the Uriay people group. “While many of you are facing new lockdowns in some places and easier travel in others, the Lord continues to work and move me around. My desk stays full, and my computer stays busy with opportunities to translate or help others translate His Word into previously unwritten languages. I hit a milestone for myself in that I finished drafting the book of Luke in Uriay! Woohoo! That’s really only step one of more than twenty, but that big book is ready to go! There are pieces of it already translated and printed (429 verses), but there are another 722 to work on. Now to organize some time with some mother-tongue speakers from the village to get it moving through the other stages. Pray for the timing and logistics of that to work out.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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