Beau with his “brothers” holding a chicken thief.
Brooks and Nina Buser are heading back to their home in a Yembiyembi village and there are lots of things to prepare.
The couple was at the mission center for three months helping new missionaries learn the culture and language of Papua New Guinea. They also visited some of the churches planted in people groups near the Yembiyembi church.
“Yesterday our co-workers told us that Nina’s tribal brothers and sisters and a couple of my mamas were sprucing up our house and getting it ready for our return,” Brooks and Nina wrote. The couple was packing up supplies necessary to life in a remote tribal village, such as batteries, milk powder, hot sauce, fish hooks and malaria medication.
Their 11-year-old son, Beau, is looking forward to getting back into the village because of the opportunity to go fishing and hunting with his friends. Of course, he has to give up a few things, like having to keep up his home school schedule – it’s so hard to hide in a small village. And then, of course, the restrictions on solar power – Nintendo Wiis run better on regular electricity than they do on solar batteries.
Pray for the Buser family as they prepare to return to their home. Pray that as they transition back into Yembiyembi culture they will experience God’s grace. Pray also for the continuing growth and maturity of the church leaders.