The Word of God for the Papua New Guinea people group is being formatted for printing in Florida.

Tom and Corinne Palmer heaved a giant sigh of relief as they handed the Hamtai New Testament to missionary Doug Lotz, in NTM USA’s Florida office, to format and prepare for printing.

Tom and Corinne began ministering in to the Hamtai people in Papua New Guinea in 1956. They have laboured long and hard to bring the gospel to the Hamtais and then finish the translation of the New Testament.

“We look forward to the day,” wrote Tom, “when we can deliver 5,000 copies of God’s precious Word back to Papua New Guinea and get it into the hands of the eager Hamtai believers.”

Believers frequently ask Tom where the “Buk bilong God” [God’s Book] is and when they will be able to read it for themselves. Tom and Corinne spent the last two years editing the New Testament and now, while they are waiting for the copies, they will begin editing the Old Testament translated portions.

The projected date for the printing of the New Testament is January and after that they plan to travel to Papua New Guinea to deliver God’s precious Word to their beloved Hamtai people.

Although Tom and Corinne are close to 80 years old, they continue to work on behalf of the Hamtais.

Pray that the formatting and printing of the Hamtai New Testament will be completed without problems. Pray also that Tom and Corinne will maintain their health as they continue working on Hamtai Scripture.