On Thursday morning, August 9, Papua New Guinea time, two Ethnos360 Aviation pilots were performing their first landings on a newly approved runway. Just two weeks previous, these pilots, along with the Rural Airport Agency, had carried out the normal procedures to check the airstrip. It was approved for use, pending time for it to dry out sufficiently. By Thursday, the strip was dry, allowing the pilots to do their first landings and takeoffs – a welcome event after years of backbreaking work by the local people to build the strip.

The first landing went well. However, on the second landing, the nose wheel on the Quest Kodiak airplane broke through the seemingly strong surface into a hole. The aircraft prop, engine and nose wheel were damaged. The pilots were unharmed, and no passengers were on the plane. We praise God for His gracious protection of the pilots, and we are thankful that the aircraft did not sustain further damage.

Please pray for the Ethnos360 Aviation team in Papua New Guinea as they face the logistical problems of the coming weeks. Besides the added work of repairing the airplane, they will continue to serve their very full flight schedule with one fewer aircraft. Thank you for trusting God with us for His all-sufficient help in this time of need.

Although we have insurance to cover the replacement costs, we have a deductible to meet on the repair. If you would like to contribute to the upcoming expenses please click below and designate your gift for the Kodiak repair.

This article originally appeared on the Ethnos360 Aviation website and was localized for use in Canada.

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