Gabi Takes the Gospel Out 

Written by Lourens Laureti, missionary to the Mengen people, with David Pierce. This is part 2 of Gabi’s story. Read part 1.

Gabi became part of the team of young men we trained and discipled as teachers. He even became one of the teachers who would travel to other villages to teach and disciple believers. It’s about a two-hour hike away, and Gabi would hike multiple times to these villages each week.

Going Despite Health Issues

It was then that I was told that Gabi suffers from seizures, up to three times a week, probably due to cerebral malaria. When I asked him about it, he explained that as he would hike to one of these villages, he would have a seizure, wake up in the jungle and just go on. His family wanted him to stop, but he shared that God’s Word was too great to stop teaching. I remember how he told me that the joy of sharing God’s Word and seeing people saved and growing far exceeds the difficulty of having seizures.

Crossing the Finish Line

A few months after arriving in South Africa for our home assignment, I received a message that Gabi had died. They suspect that he went to work in his garden and died from a seizure there. They only discovered him late at night after he never returned home.

Even though this was sad, the church rejoiced as one of the first Mengen believers entered Heaven. He is now united with the One they so dearly love, E Rabgaliu, the One who takes us back, our Redeemer — Jesus!

I hope that Gabi’s story will encourage you to appreciate God’s grace and love for you as Gabi did, and that God’s love for you will compel you to live a sanctified life and to show and share Christ with others.

Please pray that God will open up more doors for us to share the Good News with the Mengen people! Also pray for Gabi’s wife, Itu, and their three children.


Check out the Laureti’s blog