Dear Readers,

I am just getting back from a conference made up of First Nations and non-Native missionaries. As I interacted with them and listened to their testimonies of many years of serving Canada’s First Nations and Inuit people, I found myself crying out to God. I want God to give clarity on our role of seeing thriving, indigenous churches established in Canada.

It was Christ who said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!” Though the challenges are many, as we have embarked on this new outreach to the ethnos of our own country, we have been absolutely blown away by the constant reminders that our God has already been at work.

Our first missionaries assigned to serve the First Nations, Dave and Judy Wright, have been intentionally focused on the indigenous church that already exists. Why? Because we want to work hand in hand with them to reach their own people.

Dave has been teaching chronologically, and how blessed we have been as these indigenous church leaders have repeatedly voiced excitement and desire to engage with us! First Nation churches are voicing strong interest in helping to orientate our new missionaries, and Lord willing—together—we will step out to see new churches established.

As we set out on this journey to see a thriving church for every indigenous person in Canada, would you partner with us? It’s His passion to see His Church established among all the ethnos, and it is the Church’s responsibility to step out in obedience. Working together as one body, dependent on God’s guidance, let’s trust our Lord to continue to build His Church among Canada’s First Nations and Inuit.

Tim Whatley
Executive Director, Ethnos Canada

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