Tim Whatley

Dear Friend,

When walking through a jungle, it is easy to get disorientated and lose your sense of direction. I know first hand that when you get into a helicopter and get a perspective from further away, everything becomes much more clear.

This year our magazines have stepped back from reporting on exciting stories from our church planting teams. Instead, we have been covering the broader changes taking place around the world with the desire to give some perspective to what lies ahead of us in reaching the remaining unreached people groups.

In the first issue this year of Ethnos Magazine, we looked at the term unreached and the criteria we use to determine where to send missionaries. In the next issue, we shared how the context of ministry within these unreached peoples is radically changing with unstable political climates, nearly 70 million refugees seeking to get out of harm’s way, high exposure to the internet and digital resources, worldviews positioned against the gospel and other factors. We shared both the commitment we as servants of the Church must have if we are going to impact the world for Christ and the sacrifice we need to be prepared to accept.

In this issue, we look at the global team God has birthed out of what was started as New Tribes Mission in 1942. Ethnos Canada and Ethnos360 in the United States are part of an extended team at work around the world. Be encouraged—Christ is using His Church around the world and continues to fulfill His promise that He will build His Church! Christ’s return is nearer every day, and I pray that He will find us faithfully engaged in what He has asked us to do — to make disciples of all peoples.

Yours in Christ,

Tim Whatley

Executive Director, Ethnos Canada