In 1942, the year New Tribes Mission (now Ethnos Canada within Canada) was founded, Paul Fleming made this statement in the third issue of the mission’s magazine: “We want to employ every kind of modern equipment that will enable us to move rapidly into the regions beyond. God has so wonderfully supplied our first airplane. Cecil Dye had the foresight to get his license to fly before he left America.”

This issue of Ethnos Magazine features the fruit of that seed of faith to what is now Ethnos360 Aviation. It has been a journey of faith. I can’t begin to express how many times, both as a child growing up in Asia-Pacific and then as an adult serving there, I was struck by the faithfulness, passion and courage of the men and woman serving in our flight service.

One of our core values is “Excellence and Urgency in all that we do to finish the task.” While it may seem that excellence and urgency could be in tension with one another, Ethnos360 Aviation exemplifies this value well. The professionalism and quality of workmanship that this team exhibits always stands out to me. This is a direct result of the core purpose they are committed to, which is reaching unreached people groups for Christ. Without aviation, many of our works among unreached people groups would have taken far longer.

So, I proudly present Ethnos360 Aviation to you in this issue, and I personally thank them for the vital role they fulfill in reaching unreached people groups for Christ.

Yours in Christ,

Tim Whatley
Executive Director, Ethnos Canada