Casting a Vision for Missions

This summer, Neil Burleson “cast a missions vision” to some of the next generation of missionaries attending Interface, Ethnos360’s college-level, hands-on missions program in Papua New Guinea. Nineteen students from around the USA, Germany and New Zealand experienced missionary life first-hand during this six-week program.

First-Hand Experience and Bible Teaching

PNG women molding clay

And it certainly was first-hand. Neil recounted that the students “learned some of the local language, visited established national churches and remote bush locations, and heard the testimonies of many, many missionaries who work in both tribal and support ministries.”

God used these experiences and times of intensive Bible study about missions to confirm how He was working in their lives. Of the 19 students in the program, 16 of them expressed a desire to serve the Lord somewhere in missions.

Even the Teacher was Impacted

Neil teaching at InterfaceNot only did Interface impact the students, but as Neil taught, he too was challenged and refreshed in his missionary service.

“For our family, not only did we get to cast a vision to these students, but the experience allowed God to renew our own vision for cross-cultural ministry! I told Becky [his wife] at the end of the program, ‘We’ve been challenging these students about what an adventure tribal missions can be … and we get to wake up tomorrow and do it afresh. Let’s make the most of it!’”

Please pray for these students that the challenge God has put into their hearts will bear fruit in the years to come.