Every 45 days, Ethnos missionaries begin the task of presenting the gospel to one of the still unreached people groups in the world.

The Connection Centre has strategic potential to help reach the lost. Will you help us unlock its potential?

Help Renovate the Connection Centre

    After 45 years, the campus needs a new multi-purpose building to better serve the needs of our recruiting, equipping and sending. We are converting an old classroom building to meet this need.
    Your gift will help complete this much needed building.

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      Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes

      Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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      Thank you for your donation.

      God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

      Possible delay in receiving your gift
      It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


      Preparing workers to reach the remaining people groups

      The Lord is raising up workers to be a part of reaching these fields that are ready for harvest.  The trainers at Ethnos Canada’s missionary training program, Emanate, have spent years in the mission field and are well equipped to train the next generation of harvesters. They instill their students with a passion for God’s Word and a deep desire to reach the lost world.

      Since 1968, believers have been challenged, equipped and supported by the campus here in Durham, Ontario. And that number continues to grow.


      Big building.


      Big potential.


      Big opportunity.


      Big Building.

      As the number of students in the missionary training program and missionaries on the field continues to increase, there has been a growing need for additional training and meeting space at our missionary training campus. In response to this need, a old building here on campus in Durham is being renovated into a new, multi-purpose Connection Centre to provide space for the needs of our growing body of missionaries, students, and staff.

      Big Potential.

      The strategic value of the Connection Centre at Ethnos Canada’s missionary training campus is almost immeasurable because it affects so many people. With its completion, the Connection Centre will have a lasting impact on the Lord’s work among unreached people groups, worldwide.

      • It will provide a much-needed venue for teaching and conferences where Ethnos missionaries can be trained to more effectively translate the Scriptures, plant churches, and disciple believers.
      • It will provide a place for missionaries supporting the work overseas to gather for critical times of fellowship and encouragement.
      • It will provide an excellent setting to engage the local community with the vision of Ethnos – to see a thriving church established for every people.

      Big Opportunity.

      The Connection Centre will help us continue to impact the world for Christ. Would you consider helping to finish the building? Here are some examples of how you can give to help the project.

      • A gift of $100 pays for one of the 24 heavy-duty tables needed.
      • A gift of $474 provides for a set of four stacking chairs.
      • A gifts of $2,400 purchases a commercial dual-temperature refrigerator.
      • A gift of $8,800 helps to further outfit the kitchen, which will include a 6-burner stove.


      Help Renovate the Connection Centre
        After 45 years, the campus needs a new multi-purpose building to better serve the needs of our recruiting, equipping and sending. We are converting an old classroom building to meet this need.
        Your gift will help complete this much needed building.
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        Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes

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        Give a Gift
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          Monthly giving option available in next step
          Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes
          Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
          Your gift will remain anonymous
          Review Your Gift
          Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes

          Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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          Thank you for your donation.

          God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

          Possible delay in receiving your gift
          It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.



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