Prayer & Praise
Read this collection of prayer requests and answers to prayer from around the world.
Read this collection of prayer requests and answers to prayer from around the world.
The Word Reaches the Mountains of the Tepehuan The Setting Scattered throughout the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains of Mexico live [...]
Because You Prayed “A few weeks back the editor from New Tribes Mission wrote an article about the Tepehuan people,” [...]
Kevin and Wendy Case, serving the Tepehuan people of Mexico, write, “Rejoice with us! Kevin completed the initial draft of [...]
Not There Yet, But a Big Milestone With the completion of 2 and 3 John last week, Kevin Case has [...]
Pray for Bible teaching efforts. Twelve new believers in Wano tribe. Pray for ongoing Bible translation. Please pray for the Mengen Church.
Sixty people came to serve the people of a Southern Tepehuan village.