Using FaceTime to Encourage Ka’apor Believers
Pray for the Ka’apor believers involved in evangelism
Pray for the Ka’apor believers involved in evangelism
"Although they had no money for materials nor any way to cut the lumber they would need for posts and rafters, they stepped out by faith and began grading and preparing a lot for the building."
"Pray that God would give wisdom to me and the Paí Bible teachers with the opportunities in Brazil at two different locations and pray that God would raise up Paí Bible teachers in those communities who would clearly communicate the Gospel of Grace.”
"To see eyes opened and understanding dawn in the hearts of these two young men as 1 Timothy was read to them is evidence that the powerful Word of God is communicating to the minds and hearts of the hearers.”
Rachel Chapman ministers among the Nahuatl people of Mexico. “For years, we [my co-worker Katie and I] have been praying [...]
Read this collection of missions stories and updates from around the world.
“The Changing Context of the Unreached” explores the five factors that make reaching the unreached “a tangled ball of yarn.” The “how to reach” changes; the “why” never will.
Read this collection of prayer requests and answers to prayer from around the world.
Pray for the Kurvitses as they have a language evaluation this month.