22 04, 2017

Kankanaey Ministry

By |April 22nd, 2017|Projects|

Your gift to this project will help provide Biblical Teaching Curriculum for the Kankanaey people. By giving, you can partner with the Kankanaey church, equipping them to grow and continue to tell more unreached people about the greatest gift of all — salvation through Jesus.

29 12, 2016

Yanomami Talking Bibles

By |December 29th, 2016|Translation|

With your help, more Yanomami will have the opportunity to know for themselves the joy of salvation and maturity in Christ. Your gift will put more audio Bibles into the hands of the Yanomami people.

30 10, 2016

Unlisted Missionary Donation

By |October 30th, 2016|Logistics, Projects|

Some Ethnos Canada missionaries can't be listed for security reasons, but you can still donate to the costs of their ministry. Simply input the amount of your donation below and proceed to the next step by pressing Add to Cart. You will have an opportunity to designate the intended recipient of your donation on the third step of the donation process by filling in the Special Instructions for Finance Team field.

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