1 03, 2018

Helicopters for Papua New Guinea

By |March 1st, 2018|Aviation, Projects|

We thank the Lord that we have already purchased two of the R66 helicopters we need for Papua New Guinea. We shipped the first one to PNG which arrived there on January 23, 2022. The 2nd one is on order from the Robinson Helicopter Company. We are only about $900,000 away from being able to order the 3rd and final R66 needed to provide our church planting missionaries with the flight service they are praying for. Thank you to all who have helped us so far, and to those who continue to give to meet this need.

25 09, 2014

Missionary Flight Sponsorship

By |September 25th, 2014|Aviation, Projects|

Missionary Flight Sponsorship needs a consistent base of people to replenish the fund as it is used to establish thriving churches. Do you have financial resources? Do you have a heart for those who have never heard the Gospel? Then Missionary Flight Sponsorship might be just the ministry you are looking for!

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