9 03, 2022

Campus Centre

By |March 9th, 2022|Logistics, Projects|

With your support of this multi-purpose building, more believers will be challenged to engage in the Great Commission at recruitment events, more missionary candidates will be equipped for cross-cultural church planting, and more missionaries on the front-lines will be provided the support they need. Ultimately, the people groups who today are unreached will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.

18 10, 2021

French Projects

By |October 18th, 2021|Logistics, Projects|

Your investment in French projects will be used to print resources in French and to recruit, equip and support French-speaking missionaries. This will allow the Ethnos team to serve the French world for years to come. 100% of your donations will be dedicated to these projects.

15 07, 2020

Church Engagement Fund

By |July 15th, 2020|Projects, Training|

The Church Engagement Team train church leaders and lay-leaders in disciple-making in Canada. There is a great deal of travel, often along northern roads, for this team. Your gifts help defray the costs of travel and production of teaching materials.

20 11, 2019

Missionary Assistance Fund

By |November 20th, 2019|Logistics, Projects|

Ethnos missionaries don't receive a set salary and are subject to fluctuations in support and unexpected expenses. They trust God to support their physical needs through gifts from God's people. You can play a part in bringing the gospel to all nations by your donation to the missionary assistance fund.

1 03, 2018

Helicopters for Papua New Guinea

By |March 1st, 2018|Aviation, Projects|

We thank the Lord that we have already purchased two of the R66 helicopters we need for Papua New Guinea. We shipped the first one to PNG which arrived there on January 23, 2022. The 2nd one is on order from the Robinson Helicopter Company. We are only about $900,000 away from being able to order the 3rd and final R66 needed to provide our church planting missionaries with the flight service they are praying for. Thank you to all who have helped us so far, and to those who continue to give to meet this need.

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