24 05, 2015

Prayer Requests for Week of May 24

By |May 24th, 2015|Asia-Pacific, Bible translation, Liberia, North Wahgi People, Papua New Guinea, Prayer Requests, Senegal|

“It has not gone unnoticed by Judy and me that our post middle age bodies are beginning to show the wear and tear of life,” wrote Bible translator James Burdett on their blog. Likewise, their equipment on the field is wearing out as well. Some of their equipment is more than 20 years old and limping along, requiring time for maintenance that pulls them away from translating the Bible.

10 05, 2015

When Things Don’t Go As Planned

By |May 10th, 2015|Africa, Asia-Pacific, Bible translation, Canada, Dom People, Guinea, Indigenous Ministries, Landuma People, Latin America, Manjui People, News, North America, North Wahgi People, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Prayer Requests|

Things don’t always go according to plan — and that’s usually viewed as a bad thing. So when I tell you that is what happened with the Manjui New Testament, you might be ready to despair.

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