Checking the book of Ephesians in the Dinangat language turned into a learning experience for seven missionaries.

Seven missionaries working in different tribal languages came together with Jill Goring, Ralf Schlegel and his four Dinangat translation co-workers to check the book of Ephesians. As they help Ralf with his translation they learn valuable lessons for their own translations.

Each morning Lukas, one of the best Dinangat readers, would read a paragraph from Ephesians in the Dinagat language. Jaspa and Basa then tell Ralf what they heard.. Ralf tried to translate into English simultaneously for the benefit of the others sitting there. Jill, a missionary experienced in translation, and the other seven missionaries listened to see if Jaspa and Basa understood correctly.

If there was miscommunication the missionaries investigated to find the cause and then Ralf took notes so that he could later make changes to clarify that passage.

This is very detailed and focused work and the goal is to make the translation clear so that the tribal reader can understand God’s Word.

“Please pray for Ralf as this time is very overwhelming and exhausting,” wrote Elli Schlegel. “Pray also for Jill Goring who leads the workshop and for the seven translators who each have their own translation that they work on.”