An Obsolete Language?

After ministering overseas to the Menya people of Papua New Guinea, Steve and Natalie Arn now work at the Ethnos360 head office in the information and technology department (IT). Steve is in the process of rewriting software that Ethnos360 has used for human resources and accounting. Unfortunately the current software is in an obsolete language, quickly losing its ability to be operated.

Steve said, “With thousands of missionaries worldwide, there’s no way we could continue to function as a mission organization if it were to fail.”

The Dilemma

He continued, “I can’t help but recognize the similarities between learning a computer language and a tribal language. When I first started learning to write computer code, I had to start at the absolute basics and learn the basic building blocks of the language before being able to write more complex code. Whenever I hit a problem writing code or have an error I just can’t pin down, I do a Google search.

“How do you Google for help on learning an unwritten language, though? When we moved into Menya, … we took baby steps, learned basic building blocks, and slowly grew in our ability to speak on more complex topics.”

It Can Be Done

The Arns’ partners with the Menya are continuing to learn the culture and language in order to begin the gospel presentation next year. Steve said, “These are exciting days for the Menya work. Please be in prayer for the Menya people, that their hearts would be prepared for the truth.”