God’s Word blesses a believer in time of need.
Okweb, one person of the Siawi translation team, was undergoing persecution. Members of the predominant cult in Papua New Guinea were spreading rumours about him in order to discredit his message.
When missionary Linda Krieg, on home assignment in the USA, heard of this, she wrote Okweb reminding him of a passage from Luke 6:22-23: “Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man’s sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, for in like manner their fathers did to the prophets.”
He dwelled on these verses as he felt the sharp pain of false accusations. Okweb used those verses to stay focused on the Lord as the rumours and accusations flew.
Linda was thrilled recently when she received a letter that Okweb had written in large print so that missionary Jason Swanson could scan the letter into the computer and send it to her from Papua New Guinea. In it, Okweb thanked her profusely for the verses and cited several verses from Matthew, the last book they had translated together. God used those verses, which were fresh in his mind, to encourage his heart as he shared with his friend, Linda.
“Okweb’s last words in his letter were encouraging me to keep working on the Exodus portions and on Jonah so they can have them printed in their waterproof Bible in the coming months,” wrote Linda.
The Siawi people hunger for the Word of God and cherish every Word they have. It is blessing and being profitable as they faithfully study the translation that they have.
Oh that we would hunger and thirst for God’s Word. We have it all and yet often never read it. Pray for the Siawi translation team and pray that more of God’s Word will soon be printed.
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