Bible Translations are Key to Church Growth

Through 2016 NTM missionaries anticipate completion of 18 more New Testament translations worldwide. For every one of those translations, thousands of hours and dollars are invested by missionary teams, national co-workers, other missionaries such as translation consultants and behind-the-scenes support missionaries, churches and ministry partners.

Just as with Gordie Hunt’s work among the Manjúi people, Bible translation is only a part of evangelizing and discipling a community. Generally by the time a New Testament translation is completed much work has already taken place:

  • The people have been taught to read and write their own previously unwritten language.

  • They have been evangelized using the translated Scriptures in their own language.

  • They have been discipled through the New Testament in their own language.

  • A mature church with capable leaders has been established which is self-sustaining and equipped to reach out to others.

The translated written Word of God is key to seeing all that accomplished.

Without God’s Word, there is no church. Everything the church is, does, and will be is based on God’s revelation of Himself, His heart and His plans.

—Jill Goring, NTM Translation and Consultant Coordinator

But Bible translations are not inexpensive. There are wages for tribal translation co-workers, costs of solar-powered electric systems, an “office” to work in, computers, audio recorders, printing and more. Throughout the years it takes to translate, a thorough checking process with translation consultants ensures accuracy and clarity. But they often have to fly into these remote locations in small aircraft or helicopters.

NTM estimates that it takes 15 years and $277,000 to start and complete a Bible translation. That’s a lot. But it breaks down to $35 for each verse, and all the helps necessary for people to read and understand that verse.

It is worth the work to see them reached and discipled. It is worth the expense. Will you consider partnering further with NTM to help translate the Word of God into the language of a people who do not have it in their own language to see them reached for Christ? You can make a difference.