After a recent trip to Papua New Guinea to encourage Bena Bena believers, missionary David Lee returned to his Australia home “encouraged that they were really getting into working together and doing well.”

During his time among the Bena Benas, David could see that the Bible lessons needed to be taught more consistently if people were going to understand the truth. He also saw that Heti was taking the burden of the teaching on his own and he encouraged the Bible teachers to work together more.

He exhorted them “that God has put His work in their hands so it was their responsibility to carry it on.”

The men took David’s exhortation to heart. Kokere and Buka began team-teaching Firm Foundations Bible lessons with Heti and “did very well.”

David spent time with some of the believers in prayer and was encouraged when he was told “that they had settled a minor problem that had been between some of the believers.”

Pray that the Bible teachers will continue to work together and carry on the work of teaching the believers and taking the Gospel to others.

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