The Siawi People

Linda Krieg looked at the need and knew she could help meet it: the Siawi people of Papua New Guinea needed to know the Creator and Savior of the world. She also looked at the location. It would take at least a full, exhausting day to reach the Siawi village using “traditional” means of rugged trails and river boats. Using NTM Aviation’s help, the trip would be reduced to less than two hours, allowing more time to learn the culture and language, translate the Bible and teach the Siawi people the truth.

Necessity of the Plane

Linda was eager to translate the Bible into the Siawi language. She needed to spend days, weeks and months in the village and not on the trails. The only way this could be done was by using missionary aviation.

In reference to her work among the Siawi people, Linda unreservedly stated, “There is no way I could have done the translation without NTM Aviation. They brought us supplies and the language and translation consultants we needed.” They brought her news — and the precious mailbag! They acted as maintenance geniuses. But more than that, they lifted her spirits every time they flew in.

One of the last times she was in a Siawi village, she watched as the plane landed with the boxes of newly printed Bibles — the fruit of God’s using Linda and many others hand in hand with NTM Aviation.

Linda’s Heroes

Linda depended on so many people in order to finish the translation of the Bible into the Siawi language, but to her, the heroes were the pilots.

To Linda, the pilots played a role in seeing a Siawi Bible become a reality. How about you? In what way has God equipped you to be a part of seeing Bible translations finished? God uses all types.  Pray that God will raise up more people to be a part of seeing His story told whether they be church planters, translators, supply buyers, accountants or pilots.

Watch the video of Linda Krieg