Literacy help found
The Cubeos need to learn to read and write in their own language so that they can read the Scriptures in their own language.
The Cubeos need to learn to read and write in their own language so that they can read the Scriptures in their own language.
Six thousand copies of the newly revised Hamtai New Testament will be put on a container in Pennsylvania, headed to Papua New Guinea.
The idea that God is everywhere all the time contradicts the beiliefs of Anton and his people that God is distant.
Tea made from the yerba plant is a huge part of Paraguayan culture.
Augustina is asking missionaries to teach her more about God.
Elijah and Moira Hall, assisted by experienced missionaries, are trying to get an understanding of the Mbya people.
Missionaries Andy and Chrissy Shaub gained a great deal of understanding of the Awa culture and language as they prepared for a Bible conference.
The death of would-be thief has resulted in violence and roadblocks that made it necessary to put off the gathering.
Guanano believer Gustavo and missionary Barry Spor are working together on lessons from Romans—even though they are thousands of miles apart.