About Bruce Enemark

Making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19) has been very real to both of them since they were children. Bruce saw firsthand the work of NTM since he was raised by missionary parents in the country of Panama in Central America. Julie was raised at a Bible camp, constantly being reminded of unreached people as missionaries spoke at the camp over the years. Both of them understood the need to be a part of taking God’s Good News to those who had never heard nor understood the Gospel of grace. For over twenty years, Bruce and Julie have worked side by side, teaching in two different schools for missionaries’ children (one in Panama and one in Paraguay), giving those MKs the opportunity to grow not only spiritually but also academically and socially. Because of their ministry with the MKs, the Enemarks were able to be a part of seeing indigenous churches planted and matured as the parents of the MKs shared their victories and their sorrows with them. Change happens and ministries change. The schools have closed, necessitating the changes to Bruce and Julie’s lives. God has moved in their hearts, giving them the desire and opportunity to work in the Communications Department of NTM in Sanford, Florida. Their skill sets and abilities will continue to be used in assisting other missionaries by helping to develop tools for them to use. Bruce will be working as a writer and content manager for NTM (USA). Julie will work in the Distribution Center, receiving, processing and filling orders for NTM-produced materials.
15 10, 2021

What Makes Us Who We Are?

By |October 15th, 2021|News|

One thing that we can be sure of is change. We live in a changing world — culture changes, fads are by nature changing, whatever “favourite” you have today may be changed tomorrow. On the other hand, we have an unchanging God, and it is He Who continues to work changes in each of our lives.

23 12, 2019

How Do You Explain Christmas?

By |December 23rd, 2019|Colombia, News|

My thoughts extend to the over three billion unreached people who don’t even know anything about Jesus, much less about His birth over 2,000 years ago. They have no concept of His life, His sacrifice for them, His abundant love. And who will tell them if we don’t?

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