tropical shoreline

When the Welcome Is Slow in Coming

The ocean waves slapped against the sides of the boat as it beached along the sandy shore of the Palawan island of the Philippines. Missionary Jody Crain scanned the shoreline for a welcome party, but there was none to be found. No men waited to greet him on the beach; only faces peered out from behind the palm trees just beyond
the shoreline.

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More In This Issue

  • feet standing

Please Stand Up

Fifty years ago, Katy and I arrived in Bogotá, Colombia, for the first time. We joined a small group of fellow missionaries. Our vision was big.

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  • woman clasping her hands in prayer while standing in a clearing

Prayer & Praise

Read this collection of prayer requests and answers to prayer from around the world.

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  • African man describes the use of a farming implement to a missionary in culture study

Culture and Language Acquisition (CLA) Made Easier!

The prospect of learning a new culture and language is a daunting and intimidating one. How do you do that? How long will it take me to get it all in my brain?

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  • newspappers in bundle

News Around the World

Read this collection of missions stories and updates from around the world.

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  • rice in a bowl

Rice, Anyone?

To simply say that rice is important to the Tagbanwa people of Palawan is a gross understatement.

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  • pen writing on paper

From Our Executive Director

The spiritual battle is fierce! Satan will send his forces in to oppose, discourage and distract us. But God is faithful to empower us to withstand, whether we are serving Him in a foreign land, or serving Him in our homeland.

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  • Ryan and Kirsten Kurvits, Ethnos Canada missionaries to Mexico

Ryan & Kirsten Kurvits

God is building His Church and we all get to play a part. If God is asking this part of us, we can be confident of His work in and through us. He will sustain us through our many questions and the work ahead.

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  • luke and lois dejager

Luke and Lois DeJager

It is a privilege to serve the Lord and exciting to see all that He is doing among the Kafe. We thank the Lord for Tracey Bernard our co-worker, who continues working with us. Please pray for continued growth and outreach among the Kafe People.

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Ethnos Canada 2019 Donor Report

Your generosity changes everything

God is using your generosity to establish thriving churches among unreached people groups. And for this, Ethnos Canada is grateful.

When it comes to more complex gifts, specifically planned end-of-life gifts, Ethnos Canada recommends you reach out to Abundance Canada for advice.

To learn more visit or
call 1.800.772.3257

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Ethnos Magazine Archives

Behind on your reading? Catch-up here.

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Compel Podcast Season 3 Launches September 1

Season three focuses specifically on what biblical truths motivate us to share the gospel and be ministers of reconciliation.

The Compel podcast exists to engage Canadian women with the biblical basis for missions and connect them to ordinary women who are serving around the world and sharing God’s heart for the nations. Our desire is to come alongside our sisters in this journey, and share how women can be involved in spreading the gospel story to the ends of the earth.

Listen to the Compel podcast on Apple podcast, Spotfiy, Google podcast, Stitcher, TuneIn or

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Invest a Weekend in Missions

Bring your group to Wayumi Weekend Retreats in scenic central Pennsylvania to gain a bird’s-eye view of what it takes to reach the still unreached peoples of the world.

  • Learn how God is reaching unreached peoples around the world.
  • Experience the challenges of ministering in a foreign culture.
  • Discover the team necessary to reach isolated people groups.

Your adventure into tribal missions — without even leaving North America!

Learn more about Wayumi

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Ethnos360 Bible Institute

Study the whole Bible in two years with an emphasis on cross-cultural missions.

Prepare for life and ministry.


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