Ethnos Magazine – March 2022

Where Bible Education and Missions Are One

March 2022

For the last 65 years, the Bible Institute has helped men and women dig deep into the Bible and prepare for missions and a life of ministry.

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Ethnos Magazine October 2021 cover

What Makes Us Who We Are?

October 2021

One thing that we can be sure of is change. We live in a changing world — culture changes, fads are by nature changing, whatever “favourite” you have today may be changed tomorrow. On the other hand, we have an unchanging God, and it is He Who continues to work changes in each of our lives.

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Ethnos Magazine August 2021 cover

The Changing Context of the Unreached

August 2021

What picture comes to mind when you hear the word missions? For many, the picture would involve Western missionaries residing among a remote, unreached people group. The missionaries learn the language, present the gospel and establish churches.

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Ethnos Magazine March 2021 cover

Who Are the Unreached of the World?

March 2021

Why do Ethnos missionaries go to specific people groups to tell them about the God of the Bible and yet not to others? What or who determines where Ethnos will send missionaries?

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August 2020 Ethnos Magazine cover - couple together smiling

When the Welcome Is Slow in Coming

August 2020

The ocean waves slapped against the sides of the boat as it beached along the sandy shore of the Palawan island of the Philippines. Missionary Jody Crain scanned the shoreline for a welcome party, but there was none to be found. No men waited to greet him on the beach; only faces peered out from behind the palm trees just beyond the shoreline.

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March 2020 Ethnos Magazine cover - man hugging his Bible

It’s Finally Here

March 2020

Scattered throughout the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains of Mexico live the Northern Tepehuan people. It is here that the Tepehuan New Testament dedication took place last November.

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December 2019 Ethnos Magazine cover - smiling African woman

Tanzanzia: a Land of Diversity

December 2019

What does it take to reach people in such a culturally, linguistically, and geographically diverse country? A diverse team — the whole body of Christ.

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Sept 2019 Ethnos Magazine cover - smiling tribal man

The Benefit of Missions

September 2019

Pastor Ben Hazen believes that when people see God’s plan from the beginning was to reach the world, they find a sense of purpose, and the church benefits.

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June 2019 Ethnos Magazine cover - tribal girl standing by a tree trunk

YOU Can Make a Difference

June 2019

Can only superhumans or the mega-powerful make a difference? No, indeed! You can make a difference in the lives of missionaries. Read how three different groups decided to bless missionaries in distinct ways as they followed God’s leading.

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Ethnos Magazine March 2019 cover - two tribal people in traditional ceremonial garb - painted yellow and festooned with beads and feathers

How a Local Church in America is Impacting the World

March 2019

For over 20 years, representatives from this people group of more than 6,000 have been asking missionaries to bring them “God’s Talk.” Until now, they have remained cut off with neither gospel message nor Bible in their own language.

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Ethnos Magazine September 2018 cover - tribal kids looking up at the camera

God Himself Must Fix Our Nature

September 2018

For too long, a fog of misunderstanding, false doctrine and belief in any other god than the one true God had hung over the hearts of the Menya people. Read how, as the missionaries taught foundational, chronological Bible lessons, they saw the haze blocking the true light of the gospel beginning to dissipate.

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Commit to Faithful Men

June 2018

As a church grows and matures to become a thriving church, the development of leadership becomes an integral part of that growth. This issue looks at how faithful men and women are tapped for leadership in a people group in the Philippines. Read how the disciples become the disciplers, and how they push at the edge of their church, reaching out to neighbouring people groups.

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Disciples Become Disciplers

March 2018

Plan A should have worked. But getting chased out by guerrillas can put a damper on your aspirations. That’s how it felt as the missionaries watched Plan A evaporate, not knowing when they would see their precious Guahibo brothers and sisters in Christ again.

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Ethnos Magazine November 2017

Embers Fanned into Flame

November 2017

Underneath the palm frond canopy of the church roof sat elders and deacons representing 24 churches and three teams of missionaries. The 50 men filled the church, its half-height walls permitting the early morning light to illuminate their faces. Each face told a story. And though we only heard a…

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Ethnos Magazine September 2017

Engaging on the Edge of the Church

September 2017

“But that’s not how we’ve done it before!” Those words have echoed down the halls of academia, through church vestibules and around mission conference tables. How often we find comfort, it seems, in the well-worn path of tradition!

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NTM@work June 2017

Positioning For The Future

June 2017

Would you give up if the spiritual seed you planted didn’t yield fruit for a long time?

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NTM@work February 201

Passing the Flame

February 2017

The missionaries that first tried to reach the Ayoré people were martyred. But, now the Ayoré people are the missionaries, reaching their own people.

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NTM@work November 2016

Tremendous Examples

November 2016

The Moi presented huge challenges. But God used the humility and perseverance of the missionary team, and last year, elders were appointed.

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NTM@work March 2016 cover

Relationships Take Time

July 2016

Bringing the gospel to the Nukak people has had more than its share of uphills and downhills.

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NTM@work March 2016 cover

“Now The Inapang And Tangguat Believers Are One Family”

March 2016

Missionaries were willing to take the “back seat” and partner with the Inapang believers. The Inapang believers were willing to step outside their comfort zone and take the gospel beyond their borders. The result was the Tangguat church.

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NTM@work June 2015 cover

Where You Come From Doesn’t Limit God

June 2015

What do you do when God nudges you to step out in faith? The story of Amelia’s journey to say, “Yes, Lord” will touch your heart. Think more about how you respond to God in our “Consider This” article. And the Editor’s letter in this issue tells you why we’re excited about Amelia’s story.

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NTM@work March 2015 cover

Meet the needs you see in faith

March 2015

In the face of massive needs, what can you do? Where do you start? One man did what he could – and trusted God for the rest.

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NTM@work - dream job cover

Looking for a Dream Job?

July 2014

What kind of people translate the Bible? Why do they do it? What’s it like? Could you join the team as a Bible translator? The answers may surprise you.

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Where does the journey start?

March 2014

The completion of an important milestone for the Siawi people begs the question that hundreds of people groups are asking: Where are the men and women who will bring God’s Word to us? We know a great place to start.

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The Vision No One Could Kill

August 2013

Dreams often die when the original dreamer dies. The fire, zeal and passion that ignited their vision, and also fueled others to participate, can die right along with them. Not so with the original vision of NTM. Seventy-one years later, the dream is still alive. But so is the enemy.

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No Grit, No Glory

May 2013

Sometimes tribal peoples’ hearts seem as dry and dusty as the landscape. Ministry can become a discouraging, daily grind. But as Leah Humphreys discovered, giving up would mean missing out.

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 The Village that God Remembered

February 2013

For many years, the Dinangat people watched and heard about missionaries coming to other tribes. They saw the changes. They knew God’s Word had something to do with it. But no one ever came to the Dinangat village. Had they been forgotten? Would they ever know the truth? How could they get out of this darkness? Then one day, the answers came.

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