By now the newness of 2014 has worn off, and all around the world New Tribes workers are settling back in to routines and digging in to the work God has provided for them. Norman and Bobby (Roberta) Murphy are praising God for all the doors He has already opened this year. And to think it’s only February!

For instance, next week Norman will be travelling with two other mission leaders to another village ten hours South from them. The team in that village has finished their formal language and culture study, and need input on the next possible steps. Norman and his co-workers will be joining discussions and giving advice on strategies for movement in to the areas of bible translation, literacy, developing bible lessons and the like.

The Murphys ask for prayers concerning the upcoming journey, the development of work throughout all of South East Asia and for peace and stability throughout the country. They offer prayers of praise for the productive months leading up to Christmas and the restful holidays they enjoyed. They are especially encouraged to see God working in the people around them. With each year, God provides new friends, new adventures and new blessings.

Are you called to bring the word of God to the nations? Consider bible translation, bible literacy and bible lessons! Contact New Tribes Mission today!