God is orchestrating the building of the Allen family’s new tribal house in amazing ways.
Bart and Emily Allen needed to build a house in an Amdu village. At times it sounded like an overwhelming project.
But God stood ready to supply their needs in remarkable ways.
Shortly after they returned from the birth of their fourth son in Australia, Bart and Emily jumped eagerly into the house-building project.
First, Bart flew to the future house site and began the task of gathering wood.
It was clear from the start that he was going to need a lot of help. Both manual and skilled labour would be required.
Also, there were loads of building materials to be flown in. And the significant transport expense involved.
Co-workers pitched in to help. Friends flew in and contributed various kinds of expertise.
Bart and Emily anticipated some challenges in enlisting Amdu men to help transport wood from the jungle to their home site. They prayed fervently asking God to meet this need.
And He did.
Emily writes, “Very early on Resurrection Sunday morning, Bart heard whooping coming from down the airstrip. A big group of Amdu guys soon came into sight carrying all our posts and 2 x 3’s that had been piled up in the jungle!”
God had another project in mind for the Amdu men. There was a huge stone at the house site that needed to be moved. The group of men, after finishing with the lumber, went to work removing the stone by digging a huge hole and then rolling the large stone away.
Bart and Emily were awestruck to see God’s Hand at work. There, in the middle of the jungle, a big stone was being rolled away on Resurrection Sunday. “And another interesting thing is that the name for stone in the Amdu language is pronounced tomb,” Emily adds.
Bart and Emily are praising God for the excitement that God has placed in the hearts of the Amdu people to help on the building project.
They are thankful that He has provided co-workers and friends to lend their skills and encouragement in helping with different stages of the building process.
They are full of thanksgiving to God for providing all the needed funds to fly their building supplies and belongings into the tribe.
“What we thought was huge and possibly unattainable … God has provided,” Emily says. “We are deeply grateful.”
The plywood floor and the walls are finished and the roof has just been completed this week. But this home in the Amdu tribe for Bart and Emily and their boys is not an end in itself.
It is an important step to something much more glorious—the building of God’s Kingdom by fulfilling the task of reaching hopeless and lost people with the transforming Good News about Christ.
Bart and Emily are focused firmly on that goal. Emily writes, “How we look forward to the day when we will be able to share God’s message of salvation with the Amdu people!”
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