Prai believers gathered recently for teaching, fellowship and encouragement.
Altogether about 150 believers attended a recent Prai Christian Conference, coming together from several different villages for worship, teaching, prayer and good fellowship. By the grace of God, attendance this year was up 70 people from last year’s attendance at the same event.
With area villages being at great distance from each other, the Christians are hungry for the teaching and for times together.
This conference included enjoying good times playing games together, sharing good food and, missionary Fran Jordan says, good coffee!
A Hmong pastor was the main speaker for this gathering. He spoke in the Northern Thai language which is understood by all. It was a great time of strengthening and encouragement as a body of believers.
Encouraging reports were shared as well. There are evidences in all directions of dawning light of the gospel in formerly dark places: twenty baptized in one village, eighty attending Bible teaching in another. Literacy programs are flourishing. Small Bible studies are growing and applying God’s Word to their lives. Women’s groups are studying Firm Foundations chronological Bible lessons.
Dave and Fran Jordan, along with Prai believers, are very encouraged to see God’s Hand at work, transforming and building the lives of His people for His glory.
“Thank God with us for this time for the Prai believers to have teaching, fellowship and to be strengthened and encouraged,” Fran says.
Pray for Prai believers who attended this conference. Pray that God will solidify the teaching and fellowship in their lives and continue to grow the Prai church for His glory.