Same Goals Different Starts

Two families travelled from the Americas to Oceania: one came from Mexico, and one came from the United States. Both the Hernández and Long families arrived in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with the same goal — to see an unreached people group presented with the gospel. But first, they needed to form a team.

The Beginnings of a New Team

There was anticipation, many questions and a whole lot of waiting before the pieces fell together.

The families met face to face and began talking about God’s leading, their goals and plans. And it became evident that this was the beginning of a new team!

One small obstacle stands in the way of completing the team formation: the leadership team wants them to have three families to make up the team. How long will it be until they can begin learning culture and language, begin translating, begin discipling? And what about right now? What are they to do?

New Opportunities

God already had the answer. He already had people for these couples to disciple. It’s just not the where nor the who they had planned on discipling.

The Lord opened up the doors for both families to work at Numonohi Christian Academy, the school for missionaries’ children at the mission’s field support centre PNG. That’s the where.

The who is the children. Claudia will be teaching Spanish, and Karissa will be teaching English. Is this what they had planned when they left their homes to reach the unreached? Most likely not, but God has given them this opportunity to disciple missionary kids (MKs) for now.

Pray for the two ladies as they are involved in this ministry to MKs. Pray for the families as they seek God’s direction for the completion of the team.

Read their plans in Spanish

Read their plans in English