A New Testament Translated, Hope Delivered

“A mixture of smoke and dust hung in the air that afternoon. Three huge fires were being prepared for the celebration feast,” wrote missionary Jared Haynes. “

[People] were scattered about sitting on the muddy ground. Dogfights broke out among us as the aroma of the raw meat hit the noses of the half-starved Manjúi dogs. Amid the chaos, the singing began.” Jared felt privileged to be able to attend the dedication of the Manjúi New Testament.

As the songs ended, Bible translator Gordie Hunt took his place in front of the crowd consisting of over 400 Manjúis, a few local ranchers, and several NTM missionaries. Absent were the hundreds, if not thousands, of folks like you who prayed and gave to see this day come to pass.

This Was a Celebration 40 Years in the Making

So much time and effort, sweat and prayers went into reaching this point. There was a feeling of awe in the air that afternoon as those in attendance grasped the significance and magnitude of the occasion.

Gordie asked those who had a part in the translation process to stand up as he spoke. As a prayer or financial partner of any of the missionaries in NTM, you stood with them as well.

Also standing with you were Pete and Leah Humphreys, Canadian missionaries who served the Manjúi people for 17 years.

There, outside of the adobe church building, the smoke and dust in the air was forgotten. The noise of the dogs faded into the background. The eyes of the Manjúi men and women were on the New Testaments cradled in their hands, their fingers leafing through those precious pages. Whether or not they really heard what Gordie said wasn’t clear. But what they held in their hands was — for it was the Word of God in their language.

There were more Bibles to hand out, bundles of Manjúi New Testaments. The Manjúi pastors and leaders ripped away the packaging and began passing out Bibles. There was a priceless look of wonder on the faces of the Manjúi people as they received God’s Word in written form in their own language. It was a moment that will long be treasured.

The Manjúi people will forever be grateful to Gordie for his dedication and persistence in translating the New Testament into their language. They will forever be grateful to the entire missionary team that worked down through the years to evangelize and disciple them.

Through the gifts of partners like you, missionaries were able to move in with the Manjúi people. They were able to dedicate time and effort to learn the Manjúi language and culture, and to teach them the truths of God’s Word.

The Manjúis Are Thankful for Your Partnership

Through the gifts of partners like you, missionaries were able to move in with the Manjúi people. They were able to dedicate time and effort to learn the Manjúi language and culture, and to teach them the truths of God’s Word.

They not only shared the gospel with the Manjúis, but also discipled them. And through gifts from partners like you, finances were provided for the printing of the Manjúi New Testament. This pattern goes on around the world.

This Is Just One of Many People Groups You’ve Blessed

Dedications for New Testaments took place among the Emberas of Panama in 2011, the Siawis of Papua New Guinea in 2013, the Palawanos of the Philippines in 2014 and the Waxes of Papua New Guinea in April of this year. And there are many more stories that could be told of changed lives and churches planted.

We’re honoured to have you partner with us as we continue to take the Word of God to the ends of the earth. Thank you for all you do!

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