The Saving Man . . .

Tiixqii udxu, asasra bahtma, or translated “one road, the saving man!” This is a phrase the missionaries to the Iski people spoke over and over again during the last three months of teaching.

. . . Has Come to Iski-land.

Praise God that there are now Iski people who worship Him!

Rejoice with the infant Iski church as they realize that they cannot be saved by their good works! Alvis said it well after the conclusion of the Bible teaching: “It’s big, I am not going to do any work to save myself, I will hide under the blood of the Saviour.”

Thank You for Your Part.

Cecila’s testimony along with her thanks stood out. “I’m so thankful to your families, to the grandparents who sent you with your children, with their grandkids. If they had not helped you and sent you, we would not have heard that, but they did.

“Now we are all one clan, God’s clan, we are all brothers and sisters and we will see your families in heaven. Before we were worshipping Satan, now we want to worship God alone!”

Are you the parent or grandparent of a missionary? Thank you for allowing them to answer God’s call on their life. Have you prayed for the teaching? Thank you. Have you given toward missions? Thank you. God is using your sacrifices to make His name known to peoples around the world.