Airdrops are a pretty exciting business.

And they are becoming a familiar part of Chris and Lynne Strange’s ministry in church planting among the Banwaon people. Ever since their local airstrip was closed, it has been necessary to airdrop all needed supplies into their village.

Lynne writes that Chris has the dizzying task of shuffling the bags and dropping them out of the open door of the plane. “Yes, you got that right,” she says. “The flight requires that the door is removed so the ‘dropper,’ namely Chris, can quickly eject them as the plane travels the length of the airstrip.”

She shares that they have learned to pack carefully for these airdrops. Breakables must be carefully wrapped to prevent them from exploding when they are dropped from 50 feet. Letters and important papers must be sheathed in cardboard and inserted into heavy bags to ensure they will arrive safely at their destination.

The weather must be right. Often, there is waiting involved. And if the clouds don’t lift, the flight is cancelled until another day. Sometimes this requires some patient waiting for needed supplies.

Pray for God’s Hand of protection over missionary pilots and missionaries who help them. Pray also for His faithful supply of the needs of Chris and Lynne Strange and of many other missionaries who also depend on their supplies being delivered by airdrops.

Find out how you can help pay for flights that missionaries rely on.