A believing Mengen woman lives a simple life of trust that witnesses loud and clear to an entire village.
Kariang and her husband, Teli, are a believing Mengan couple with eight children. Kariang is a translation co-worker who, missionary Lourens Laureti says, is “especially gifted in helping translate God’s word into the Mengen language.”
“She helps a few times a week,” Lourens continues, “which is a big sacrifice for her. It takes a lot of work to feed her large family.”
God has also strengthened Kariang to be a very strong witness in her community. She has stood sometimes all alone for truth in her village, where she often has experienced hard persecution from animists.
At the height of this oppression, Teli and Kariang’s daughter died and then even her husband and family turned against her and away from following Christ.
“Yet,” Lourens writes, “she remained very faithful and steadfast in her faith.”
And the solidity God has provided to Kariang in trusting Him has brought Him glory and has made an impact on people around her. Her husband and family have watched and “are turning back to the Lord,” Lourens says.
In further testimony to the transforming power of the gospel, her family is quick to tell how Kariang remained loving, friendly and forgiving during the time that even they, in despair, turned against her. Contrary to cultural norms, they share that Kariang never returned evil for evil.
Lourens writes, “This very much helped in opening doors in their village to the gospel.”
Highly unusual in Mengen culture, Teli now often helps his wife bring provisions home from their garden to feed their children.
“We are praising the Lord that He has called Teli back to Himself and we are praying that he will become a mighty testimony of God’s grace amongst his family and other villagers.,” Lourens shares.
The difference Christ is making in Kariang and Teli’s family life is being used powerfully by God to break the hold that witch doctors in their village have maintained for many years by promoting lies and creating fear.
Please pray for Kariang and Teli and their family. Pray that God will continue to give them grace to stand for Him in the face of ongoing persecution and that God will make their family a mighty testimony to His redeeming, transforming power in Mengen lives.