Planting a church in a transitory work community presents unique challenges. Dispersed through the audience will be new arrivals, creating a need for constant review. With primarily one Bible teacher responsible to teach eight lessons per week in two languages, the Mengen church of Papua New Guinea knew this was a God-sized task.

Testimonies Roll In

By faith, two Mengen families began the outreach. Of those who came, 16 people faithfully attended the teaching in its entirety — and hounded the teachers from dawn till dusk to hear more.

In a pause during the last lesson, testimonies began to roll in. “It’s because of my repentance and faith alone that I’ll fly straight into Heaven,” said one man. Another said, “I began to put my faith in the Redeemer from the ninth lesson on, and then I saw miraculous changes in my life such as fear, shame and other things beginning to fall away.”

Eleven out of sixteen came to a clear faith in the finished work of Christ!

God Gave the Increase

The Mengen church accepted the God-sized task. Like the Apostle Paul and Apollos, they planted and watered. Prayer partners like you prayed. And God gave the increase.

Dave and Judy Wright, missionaries to the Mengens, recognize the impact of prayer. “These lives, transformed for all of eternity, have been credited to your accounts,” they wrote to their team of prayer partners.

And they ask that you join that team in praying for this fledgling church. Pray for the Mengen Bible teachers as they build on the foundation laid to grow these new believers in the faith.

Read from the Flanagans’ Blog