A Taxing Ministry

For John Schmidt and Russ Sullivan, NTM Canada’s tax men, tax day has come and gone.

Wait. What does a team of tax preparers (who also oversee government social benefits, health and life insurance plans, monthly investment deposits, immigration consulting, among other things) have to do with establishing churches among unreached people groups? Everything.

Part of a Team

Childcare at NTM Canada’s training program, Emanate.

John and Russ are part of the larger NTM team.

In addition to planting churches, this network of men and women meet needs such as processing contributions to ministries, educating children, maintaining computers, providing flight service, figuring out how to buy what is needed from a variety of vendors, and developing tools and materials to communicate about ministry.

This frees each member of the team to focus on their specific role in establishing maturing churches.

Just One Reason

Buying supplies in the Philippines.

Buying supplies in the Philippines.

Teamwork is just one reason that many people choose to serve with New Tribes Mission.

Yet it can be difficult for people to make the connection between these vital, behind-the-scenes missionaries, and the goal of establishing churches. Please pray that John and Russ are encouraged, strengthened and empowered for the work God has put before them.

Thanks for being part of the NTM team through your prayers! Want to read more reasons to be on the team?

Reasons to Choose NTM

Prayer Points for This Week

Monday: “Which mission board do I join?” That’s the first of many questions that missionaries must take before the Lord in prayer — and definitely not the last! Next comes the decision of which country they should serve in, and then which people group will they work among. Graduates of Emanate, Lincoln and Alisha McIlroy are facing that decision now. “We haven’t made a decision yet and probably won’t for several months,” they wrote. “This is a big decision for us. We’ll be choosing where we will spend much of the next few decades. So this is something that you can pray for us in.” Read their latest posts …

Tuesday: Many have asked, “Why choose NTM?” In a nutshell, because NTM is committed to reaching the last unevangelized tribe. NTM provides intense training before sending missionaries to a foreign country where the language and culture can make your head spin. There missionaries invest significant time in culture and language learning before presenting foundational Bible lessons, translating the Bible and giving literacy lessons. People choose NTM because they see people groups with no opportunity to hear God’s message of salvation in their own language—and they know NTM is reaching out to them. Pray for more people to respond to the challenge of reaching unreached people groups. Watch the video …

Wednesday: “When we learned about New Tribes Mission and their emphasis on teaching the Word in the heart language of the people ministered to, we immediately felt a connection,” wrote Francois and Nadia Hattingh. “We joined NTM and now, more than 10 years later, we see the fruit of the time and effort put into learning the heart language of the Mwinika people. We translate and teach God’s Word in their heart language … and we see lives change.” Pray for Francois and Nadia as they minister in the heart language of the Mwinika people. Read more …

Thursday: NTM has a vision for finishing. Larry Brown, CEO of NTM USA, says, “The body of Christ needs to pray together for a completion of the Great Commission. Spiritual darkness is a battle fought in prayer. … We can see the Great Commission fulfilled. We can see every tribe reached. It is doable.” And he asks that we pray to that end. Pray for missionaries fulfilling the Great Commission—and pray for what part God would have for you in reaching the unreached. Watch the video “A Vision for Finishing” …

Friday: ”Many, many thanks to all of you who stood by us for over 30 years as we have laboured in the Dom, not only translating the New Testament, but ministering as church planters, evangelists, teachers, mentors and seeing to the medical needs of the Dom people,” write James and Judy Burdett, missionaries to the Dom in Papua New Guinea. A limited amount of paperback copies of the Dom New Testament are being given to Dom believers, allowing time for readership feedback of typos, improvements, etc., before hardcover copies are printed and distributed later this year. Pray for the Dom church as they receive God’s Word in their own language. Read More …