This is a sidebar for the article The Power of Flight

The vision and purpose of Ethnos360 Aviation are undergirded by their core values. Those are the following:

  • Teamwork: Each aviation program (Asia Pacific, Brazil, Papua New Guinea and Philippines) is a global team member of Ethnos360 Aviation, sharing aircraft, finances and staff. Teamwork includes fundraising for the global team, opening new fields and succession planning. We function like a baseball team … each position and each level of expertise playing its part in unity, being accountable under authority which comes from the structure and job descriptions of each part.
  • Spirit-Controlled Life: A life committed to the authority of Scripture is honoring to God and produces the fruit of the Spirit, humility, a heart for discipleship, prayer, servant leadership and a Christ-centered life.
  • Excellence: As this is made a priority, it reflects God’s character and His ongoing work in our lives (Col 2:23). This is to be evident in productivity, training, best practices and growth.
  • Safety: A priority of safety reflects God’s value and our stewardship of people, resources, sustainability of ministry and reputation.
  • Integrity: This is consistency between words and actions, values and behaviors, expectations and outcomes to include trustworthiness, transparency and vulnerability.
    Commitment: Dedication to the pressing importance of the mission is shown by urgency, sacrifice and courage.

Read the main article.