Simon and Annika Flanagan minister among the Mengen people of Papua New Guinea. “Life continues with the Mengen church, and we are encouraged to see our core group continue to grow as they step out in faith, especially in the areas of helping care for one another as a family. Right now, we as a church are teaching an overview through Acts; pray that the raw faith of the New Testament church would refresh us in our love for the gospel, our commitment to the family of God and God’s purposes for us as a church here in the jungle of inland Pomio. We hope to start a new round of literacy teaching at the start of November for those who cannot read and write well in Mengen; this will include a lot of young believers and will be another excellent chance for our trainee leaders and Bible teachers to grow in their walk and commitment to God. We are also thinking about starting a new round of gospel teaching in the village both for teens in the church and for some unbelieving wives of some of the men in the church.” Watch a video.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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