
What Makes Us Who We Are?

One thing that we can be sure of is change. We live in a changing world — culture changes, fads are by nature changing, whatever “favourite” you have today may be changed tomorrow. On the other hand, we have an unchanging God, and it is He Who continues to work changes in each of our lives.

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More In This Issue

  • bundle of newspapers

News Around the World

Read this collection of missions stories and updates from around the world.

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  • woman clasping her hands in prayer while standing in a clearing

Prayer & Praise

Read this collection of prayer requests and answers to prayer from around the world.

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  • someone working at computer

Ethnos360 Bible Institute Online

We would like to announce the launch of Ethnos360 Bible Institute Online! Our entire EBI program is now available online.

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  • Hewa woman counting

Counting Object the Hewa Way

Not everyone counts on their fingers the way Canadians do.

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  • a pen writing on paper, representing the letter Tim Whatley wrote for the magazine

From Our Executive Director

When walking through a jungle, it is easy to get disorientated and lose your sense of direction. I know first hand that when you get into a helicopter and get a perspective from further away, everything becomes much more clear.

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  • collage of many people

Global Diversity — Spiritual Unity

In 1996, Debbie and I took our four children to Papua New Guinea to join the work there. I was 39, and God was going to expand my experience in ministry in many different ways. To this day I am very grateful for what I learned.

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  • Shaun and Mel

Shaun & Melanie Humphreys

Shaun and Melanie are involved in Indigenous Ministries, leadership and Biblical counseling.

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  • the Parrillo family

Alessandro & Chantal Parrillo

Alessandro and Chantal served on the church planting team among the Wey people of Guinea, where the Bible teaching has recently begun. They now serve in Dakar, Senegal and are primarily involved in equipping new missionaries to serve in West Africa.

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Ethnos Magazine Archives

Behind on your reading? Catch-up here.

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The Ethnos campus in Durham, Ontario, has been used to mobilize, equip and support missionaries since 1968.

For almost 50 years, a rustic pole structure has served many purposes, including conference centre and gymnasium. It is no longer cost-effective to maintain nor operate, so a replacement building is needed.

With your support of this project, more believers will be challenged to engage in the Great Commission at recruitment events, more missionary candidates will be equipped for cross-cultural church planting, and more missionaries on the front-lines will be provided the support they need.

For more information, visit:

artist's rendition of the new campus centre

Your generosity changes everything

God is using your generosity to establish thriving churches among unreached people groups. And for this, Ethnos Canada is grateful.

When it comes to more complex gifts, specifically planned end-of-life gifts, Ethnos Canada recommends you reach out to Abundance Canada for advice.

To learn more visit or
call 1.800.772.3257

woman smiling at the camera


Want to hear about the amazing changes God is making in the lives of unreached people and how He is building His Church?

Sign up to receive prayer email updates. Be equipped to pray for the work God is doing around the world.

Establish 101 cover


Establish is a foundational disciple-making series
that seeks to establish ALL people in Christ and empower them to make disciples.

Watch an interview with Woodland Cree Elder Norm McCallum

Establish 101 cover


Establish is a foundational disciple-making series
that seeks to establish ALL people in Christ and empower them to make disciples.

Watch an interview with Woodland Cree Elder Norm McCallum

A Bible education to equip you for missions and a life of ministry

Study through the whole Bible in two years with an emphasis on cross-cultural missions. You can join us on our campus in Waukesha, Wisconsin, or take our brand new online program from home.

To learn more visit

Ethnos360 Bible Institute logo

A Bible education to equip you for missions and a life of ministry

Study through the whole Bible in two years with an emphasis on cross-cultural missions. You can join us on our campus in Waukesha, Wisconsin, or take our brand new online program from home.

To learn more visit

Ethnos360 Bible Institute logo


Wayumi Logo and name

3-7 Days, Pennsylvania

One-week courses and weekend retreats designed to bring
exposure to the challenges of cross-cultural ministry.

Encounter logo and word

2 Weeks, Overseas Locations Vary

Spend two weeks on a trip to learn, serve and explore
long-term missionary work among unreached people
groups and consider your involvement.

Interface logo and word

6 Weeks, Papua New Guinea

See firsthand what it takes to plant a church among
people who have no concept of the God of the Bible.