Ron and Michelle Jennings minister among the Higaunon people of the Philippines. “After much time spent [working] on the phone app and help files for the leaders, Ron is finally finished … and [is] back to translating again. Right now, he is revising the New Testament for the phones. After 13 years of the New Testament having been in circulation, the language has changed quite a lot, owing to the younger generation no longer understanding many terms that are now considered ‘old Higaunon,’ and also, after having worked through so much of the Old Testament, many phrases have evolved to much clearer language. We have chosen to revise the New Testament now before moving on to further Old Testament translation because we can give it to the church leaders on the phone app without waiting for a reprint. We want them to have the revised New Testament as soon as possible.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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