Jonathan and Susan Kopf minister among the Hewa people of Papua New Guinea. “We had purchased airplane tickets to return to Papua New Guinea on July 17, but because of increased covid restrictions in PNG, we had to seek approval papers from officials in the capital city. The consent didn’t arrive in time, so our mission recommended we cancel our tickets and wait for the approval process to take place. The good news is that while we are waiting to return to PNG, we can continue working on New Testament translation and other projects for our Hewa friends. Another bit of good news is that our pilot friend, Ryan Farran, has made a short video of the progress our two Christian school teachers have been making in the village while we have been in the USA. We were glad to see how the village built another temporary, dirt-floored, leaf-roofed classroom in order to accommodate the students. Because of a few generous gifts that have arrived, we hope to build permanent classrooms in the future. Watch the video.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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