Bill and Karen Michaud minister in partnership with the Gimi churches of Papua New Guinea. “We thank the Lord for safety for Bill as well as many members of different Gimi churches that travelled to the conference. The majority of the people hiked from surrounding villages up to four hours away. [On the other hand], Bill and about 50 others travelled four hours by truck and then a one-hour walk; a group of 23 flew in from the capital city and then travelled by truck and a hike; and the last group hiked in from another province, spending six days and five nights on the trails. The overall theme of the conference was one of thanksgiving for the truth of God’s Word that was brought to them when they were lost in darkness, for the men that are leading the 21 Gimi churches, for many new believers that have been saved in the past few years as a result of all of the different outreaches and for the blessed hope that believers have of spending eternity in the presence of their Saviour, Jesus Christ. The local church … had prepared well and were very generous and gracious hosts for the week. The daytime hours were filled with times of teaching from the Word in the big field outside the church building. In between the sessions there was much fellowship and singing, starting before sunrise and lasting [at least] to midnight and into the early hours of the morning on a few nights. The Lord blessed with enough cloud cover to make the outdoor meetings possible, and none of the teaching times were cancelled because of rain despite being in the middle of rainy season.” Pray for ongoing benefits from this conference.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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