Brandon and Rachel Buser minister among the Biem people in Papua New Guinea. “Travel plans to Australia for medical checkups have been the biggest impossibility during this season. Thankfully though, [we can] travel back and forth. A while back my coworker Thomas and I were able to make the trip out to [the] Biem [people] to see how the church was doing; the days that followed were beyond sweet as we met with the believers, got to accomplish of bunch of translation checking on the Biem New Testament and had some wonderful discipleship times. The body continues to grow through trials and triumphs. We get to talk with them multiple times a week on the HF Radio, and with every ‘up’ and ‘down’ we hear about, we want to say ‘we’ll hop in the boat and be out there tomorrow,’ but we know this distance and independence is yielding steady fruit as they mature further, and for that we are grateful. A huge part of Biem culture is something called ‘turang.’… It means ‘conversing, storying, hanging out together,’ and it’s a huge part of church life. Turangs go till 3, 4, 5 in the morning, and whole families participate. When the little ones get tired, they crash. These times are pure gold with our brothers and sisters there.” Pray for continued growth and maturity for the Biem people.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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