Dave and Fran Jordan minister among the Prai people in Thailand. They rejoiced, saying, “The long-awaited day arrived last week when a truck pulled up to our porch with boxes of the Prai Bibles. They are now being distributed and enjoyed. A huge thanks to the Lord and His people who have provided for this. Presently the Christians in the village come to our house for Sunday services and divide into two groups. Fran enjoys having Sunday school for the little ones. Dave is back to meeting with leaders one evening a week and helping small group leaders. Dave [also] did a lot of cleaning out and editing computer files, and an update of literacy primers and the teacher’s manual are almost complete.” Pray for continued health and strength and that more of the Prai people would come to know and follow Jesus.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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