Want to make a lasting, worldwide impact through heart-language ministries? You have several opportunities.

Spanish Translation Resources

Spanish speakers involved in Bible translation have few of the resources that English speakers have. Your gift will help make available to them Dr. Ellis Deibler’s A Translation for Translators. It’s being translated within ParaText, the most popular Bible translation software. This means Ethnos partners and other Spanish- speaking translators will have access to this resource without the cost and hassles of printing and transport. Roughly $15,000 is still needed.

Bible Teaching Illustrations

Drawings and artwork are vital to helping people in remote communities grasp Scripture. That artwork must be carefully prepared to serve people who are not used to seeing illustrations. This set of 210 pictures will assist Bible teachers from a variety of organizations around the world. More than $140,000 is still needed to prepare, print, laminate and package the sets.

Genesis Videos for Bolivia

Videos are often welcomed and accepted in remote villages as part of Bible teaching. Your participation will make it possible to put videos about Genesis into the heart languages of six people groups in Bolivia, opening doors to Bible teaching in these languages. Less than $3,500 is still needed to complete this project.

Culture and Language Software

A great application for learning culture and language will allow missionaries to focus on that instead of learning to use software. It’ll work on mobile devices and on computers running Windows, Mac OS and Linux. And it’ll be seamless for users who speak a variety of languages. You can help complete this software with your gift. More than $150,000 is still needed.

You can find out more about these and other heart-language projects and give online, by mail or by electronic funds transfer below.

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