One Last Concern Weighed Heavy

As Astun lay dying, he had one final concern.

Not his salvation. Astun knew he’d spend eternity with Christ. In fact, he’d spent years sharing God’s Word with other Manobos, so they too could meet Jesus and have a life-changing and life-saving relationship with Him.

Who Would Take His Place?

Astun gathered the believers in his village in the Philippines, and asked them to join him in praying for another Bible teacher. He asked them to pray for a faithful man who would take his place when he was gone.


God answered those prayers. Aylu, another Manobo Bible teacher, agreed to carry on teaching in Astun’s village.

Will You Pray? Will You Answer?

All over the world, missionaries are returning to their home countries because of age or illness. And they, like Astun, are asking, “Who will take my place?”

By God’s grace and power, His people are making progress on the task He has given us. But there is still much work to do.

Will you pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out labourers? Perhaps He wants you to go. Will you take the next step? Maybe you know someone who has said God is prompting them to go. Will you help them take the next step?

where to start