A few years back, a fleet of Kodiaks for Papua New Guinea was not much more than a dream. And then people began to pray. And give. And God provided, not just one, but three Kodiaks designated to complete the fleet for Papua New Guinea.

The end of last year, Kodiak No. 1 arrived in Papua New Guinea amid much fanfare and rejoicing. Her maiden voyage to an interior village took place on December 1. The missionaries were impressed because the Kodiak is an impressive plane.

“Reports are in that the missionaries are pleased and a bit astonished at the baggage and load capacity and the ability of this plane to still perform short takeoffs and landings,” wrote Jeff and Jackie Schaa of NTM Aviation.

Today more rejoicing will take place. After several days of flying over vast stretches of open ocean, Kodiak No. 2 will complete its ferry flight to Papua New Guinea sometime today. It’s been a long trip requiring special preparations and precautions.

“Two extra-large temporary fuel tanks

[were] installed in the cabin right behind the pilot’s seat,” explained Phil Koop, Executive Director of NTM Aviation. “The tanks double the normal fuel capacity of the airplane, allowing the ferry pilot to arrive at each destination with several hours’ fuel left. And yes, there is only one seat. To reduce weight and allow for more fuel, long ferry flights such as this one have only one pilot.”

Daren Spence is that pilot. And it’s been just that, a very long flight. Pray for Daren as he finishes up the flight today. Pray for a safe arrival in Papua New Guinea.


you can help with the costs for this plane